Tag Archives: Transactional Analysis

Positive Beliefs and Performance

My brief for a recent Recruitment Centre “to facilitate a 30 minute session on how Transactional Analysis supports Positive Belief in Performance”.  My initial reaction, one of horror!

“What do I know about TA?” came my inner voice…

It took a while for me to be with the topic, change my thoughts and begin to realise this was going to be an enjoyable project. I reframed the task as a chance for a little research with a specific purpose, to learn and grow from the preparation and to faciliate a 30 minute session where the participants would also be able to learn a little about themselves.

I did enjoy the research and preparation, which led to my successful facilitation of an experiential 30 minutes based on Julie Hay‘s description of BAR and PRO.

… and what did I learn during the process? How our inner voice can limit us if we let it.  If I had listened to my initial reaction, rather than responding positively to the challenge, I may have chosen a more limiting response.  Once we stop and notice what our inner critic is saying, we can challenge it and choose to believe something far more resourceful, leading to successful outcomes and greater performance.

My story is demonstration of breaking the limiting BeliefActionReinforcement (BAR) cycle, by challenging our beliefs, changing our actions and not seeking to reinforce those limiting  beliefs, we can achieve Positive beliefs – take Resourceful actions – leading to Okay outcomes (PRO). My experience of coaching is that it provides a fabulous opportunity to challenge negative beliefs and consider new actions. Working with a coach enables you as learner to discover new choices, leading to resourceful outcomes and transformation in your performance.

So, what beliefs are holding YOU back from performing at your best?  Share your stories here and let’s see how can we support you challenge those limiting beliefs and discover your potential…