Tag Archives: Sherpa

The Sherpa as a leadership model

A metaphor for leadership

the Sherpa - a metaphor for leadership

“I am the Sherpa,
I know the way, I show the way, I travel the way.
I have the strength to carry my own load, and the humility to carry yours.
I have the resourcefulness to travel with the lightest load possible, and to use the resources of my surroundings, no matter how bleak, to make the journey successful.”
Unknown source

I really like the metaphor of Sherpa as leader. For me it is characterised by some simple tenets:

  • a clear vision of the destination
  • familiarity with the route, coupled with the flexibility to adapt to circumstances as they arise
  • courage not just to travel dangerous ground, but also to take responsibility for others on the journey
  • happiness to let others be the “famous name”, a lack of ego which is so rare when coupled with such strong self-belief.

I invite you to take on the Sherpa qualities; what difference would that make to the way you tackle things? How would it benefit you, and those around you? What resources does your environment offer that could be put to better use? Whose burden can you ease?