
Co founders of Leading For Transformation, Karen Mason and Madeleine Allen each have over 25 years business experience; firstly as senior managers in major blue chip businesses, latterly as consultants helping organisations and individuals with their change goals, coaching and developing business leaders, managers and their teams.

Alongside this they have developed their skills to the highest levels in the field of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) as Master Practitioners and NLP Trainers. They have trained with key personalities in the field including:

  • Sue Knight (UK’s original and leading light in NLP / Author of best selling ‘NLP at Work’)
  • Gene Early (Internationally recognised NLP consultant)
  • Stuart Hepburn (Author and Founder of Think Global)
  • James Lawley and Penny Thomkins (Authors of ‘Metaphors in Mind’)
  • Dr Susi Strang and Craig Wood (NLP Master Trainers)
  • Dr David Fraser (Author of Relationships Made Easy)

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