Raise Your Game

Our series on the presuppositions of NLP, continues today with

If it’s possible in the world then it’s possible for me,
when I discover the ‘how’.”

For every one of our skills, talents or ability we have developed a strategy to execute it.  Sometimes our strategies are highly effective, and at other times they may be flawed!  NLP teaches us how to break down and identify each stage of a strategy so we can model how we do what we do.  The focus in NLP is to notice what we, and others, do really well and model excellence.  Once we know the steps for a strategy we can then teach it to others.

Our second belief today is:

“People work perfectly, and occasionally they have an issue or challenge to resolve.”

None of us are broken! We operate perfectly, however, some of our strategies for how we do something may be poorly designed and ineffective. NLP is all about modeling strategies of excellence, to find out how we and others do things well.  Once we can determine how we do something, then we can change our strategy to be more useful and desirable. We are then perfect people operating better strategies!

So how can you raise your game this week?  What and who will you model to improve a strategy that is holding you back?

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NLP offers a valuable way to increase awareness of how you communicate and build relationships. Join us for a taster day and find out more.

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