How flexible are you?

Have you ever noticed how by changing the way you act, changes the way you think and feel… and if we change the way we think, our bodies change?  It’s not possible to change one without affecting the other.  Try it now – if you slump into a chair, your energy slumps and yet sit up attentively and you feel alert.

The presupposition in NLP is that “mind and body are parts of the same system… change one and you change the other.”  Knowing this you can manage your state.  Need to feel confident?  Change your posture and look confident and notice you will feel it.

Consider now, how will this presupposition help you through your day?

Having worked with the previous presupposition you are more able to manage your state and develop your flexibility.  Behaving flexibly and having a flexible attitude is at the heart of our next presupposition, “the person with the greatest flexibility in thinking and behaviour is likely to have the most influence.” If you learn to respond to situations flexibly, you will create greater choice and you’re more likely to get your outcome.

Share with us, where would being flexible lead to a better outcome for you today?

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