Communicate, Communicate, Communicate!

In last weeks Monday Musing, We Are What We Believe,  we started to explore the presuppositions of NLP, also known as “Beliefs of Excellence”… and this week we’re looking at “The meaning of any communication is the response that it gets”.

How often, do you feel that when someone misunderstands you there is something wrong with him or her?  We put the onus on others to “get” us.  Both verbal and non-verbal behaviours trigger responses in others.  The point of communication is to get an outcome, so an effective communicator is not someone with good command of language and delivery, they are someone who gets their desired response!

Next time you feel misunderstood take responsibility for your outcome and try a different way of sharing your message.  Give it a go and share with us what happens.

… and our third and related presupposition is “You cannot not communicate”.

It’s useful to remember we are always communicating, either verbally or non-verbally. Even the absence of a response is information, such as when someone stops talking suddenly or becomes quiet.

So be aware of what are you communicating today, explicitly or otherwise, you might be surprised by what you notice about yourself.

Curious?  Want to know more?  NLP offers a valuable way to increase awareness of how you communicate and build relationships.
Join us for a taster day and find out more.

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